System Setting
How to upload/download/import/export my system setting(profiles) into Measure Square 8
In this article, you will learn how to import/export the system setting(profiles) into Measure Square 8 Steps: File --> Sync Profiles (hover over the mouse) --> upload / download / export / import the system setting.
How do I set up System Setting in MeasureSquare 8?
In this article, we will show you how to set up System Setting for current project in MeasureSquare 8. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions System Setting is designed to help you configure general settings and options. It is suggested to ...
How Can I Show My Blueprint Under Products When Generating PDFs?
In this article, we're going to show you how to make the products less opaque so you can see the blueprint underneath. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Option 1: Adjust your opacity level with a slider from the drawing style menu ...
Where do i set project-level and system-level estimation criteria in MeasureSquare 8?
In this article, we will show you where to set project-level and system-level estimation criteria. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Project-level criteria refers to parameters that will affect the current project only. These changes ...
How can I adjust the timer settings that prompt me to save my project file in MeasureSquare 8?
This is for all versions of MeasureSquare 8 Desktop. It shows how to change the time settings for backing up MeasureSquare 8 project files. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Step 1: Click on File. Step 2: On the right-hand panel that ...
How to set your default pattern match to full repeat in system settings in MeasureSquare 8?
This article will show you how to edit your Pattern Match defaults through the Estimating Tab in systems settings. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Step 1: Click System Setting. Step 2: Roll estimation > 1st set round up to pattern to ...
How to show Product grid when printing in MeasureSquare 8?
In this article, we're going to show you how to turn on your product grid when printing. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Step 1: File > Print > OK > takes you to your report with the summary as the first page. Step 2: Select the ...
How to Change the Color/Style of your Drawing Lines on MeasureSquare 8
Below is how you can change your drawing lines on MeasureSquare 8. Version: Builds 6842 and newer Step 1: Select the gear icon at the top left of your screen to open your system settings. Step 2: Select the Drawing Style tab and locate the Drawn Line ...
How do I adjust the Grout Width in system settings for MeasureSquare 8 for Windows?
This article applies to MeasureSquare 8. In this article, we will show you how to adjust your default grout width moving forward. Step 1:Click on System Settings Gear at the top left of your screen. Step 2: At the System Settings window, click on the ...
How do I customize a shortcut to delete a wall in MeasureSquare 8?
This article will show you how to customize shortcut / hot key to delete a wall. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Step 1: Click System Setting icon. Step 2: Select Hotkey tab -> Delete Wall -> type Ctrl+W in the empty box next to ...
How to toggle off the Cloud tab in MeasureSquare 8
This article applies to MeasureSquare 8. This article will show you how to toggle off the Cloud tab in MeasureSquare 8. However, we do encourage you to use the Cloud feature! Note: Before toggling off the Cloud tab in MeasureSquare 8, please watch ...
How can I bring back some of my tools in the top toolbar (ribbon) that have disappeared in MeasureSquare 8?
This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 versions Step 1: Right-click on an empty space in the ribbon up top. Step 2: Uncheck "Compact Toolbar" You also have the option to hide or show the ribbon, as well as to bring the your icons like save and ...
Shortcuts and Hotkeys for MeasureSquare 8
In this article, we will show you a table of shortcuts and hotkeys that are most frequently used in MeasureSquare 8 Onscreen Plan Takeoff Wheeler : Zoom in and out Wheeler Down : Pan and shift rooms and plan Plus/Minus (+, -) Keys : Zoom in and out ...
How Can I Adjust the Size/Color/Style of My Seams on MeasureSquare 8?
This article will go over how to adjust the view for your seams on MeasureSquare 8. This process can include styling, color, and thickness depending on what you prefer. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8. Step 1: Locate the settings gear icon in ...
How Can I Set My Max T Seam Count on MeasureSquare 8?
This article will go over how to set the max t seam count for a single room on roll goods. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8. Step 1: Locate the 'Settings' gear at the top left. Step 2: Select the 'Roll Estimation' tab Step 3: Under the 'Carpet ...
How can I see the cross hatches on an empty floor in MeasureSquare 8?
In this article you will learn how to turn on the "Empty Floor Hatch" view to easily see what rooms have been traced and are without product. This article applies to all MeasureSquare 8 versions. To apply cross hatches to empty rooms so that you can ...
How to switch the measurement unit between imperial and metric in MeasureSquare 8?
This applies to all versions of MeasureSquare 8 Desktop. This article shows the process of turning all measurements and quantities to Imperial with just a few clicks. To switch all of your measurements and quantities to the Imperial measurement ...
How Do I Change the Wall Outline Color for My Rooms on MeasureSquare 8?
This article will go over how to change the default color for your room outlines. This change can allow you see which rooms you have completed and which ones you have to complete by a quick glance as your project. This article applies to ...
How Can I Change My Font Size for My Dimensions on MeasureSquare 8?
This article will go over how to change your dimension sizes for your takeoff in MeasureSquare 8 for desktop. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 all versions. Step 1: Locate your Settings Gear in the top left. Step 2: Locate the 'Drawing Style' ...
How to change the default save location of my files on MeasureSquare 8?
In this article, we will show you how to have MeasureSquare open to a specific folder This article applies to all versions of MeasureSquare 8 Step 1: Click on File on the top left > Local Project tab > Click on the gear i icon Step 2: Click on the ...
What is the Hit-test Tolerance on MeasureSquare 8?
This article will go over the system setting for hit-test tolerance on MeasureSquare 8 and how it can affect your drawing process. This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 Builds 7232 and newer. Step 1: Locate your system settings icon in the top ...
How Do I Show the Drawn Areas of My Takeoff That Don't Have Product?
This article will go over how to show the drawn areas that have been completed. This article is for all MeasureSquare 8 builds. Step 1: Open your 'System Settings' This can be done by selecting 'File' > 'System Settings' or by clicking on the gear ...