Windows Companion for M2 Mobile App (iOS/Android)

Windows Companion for M2 Mobile App (iOS/Android)

In this article, we will introduce you to a solution that combines desktop manipulation capability and iPad onsite measure mobility.

System Requirement: Windows 10/11 desktop/laptops.

Internet: Required to sync from/to MeasureSquare (M2) Cloud.

LimitationThe companion license will only allow editing, saving, and printing of diagrams. All projects will first need to be created from the iPad with a Mobile license.


  • Measure onsite with M2 iPad edition, sync projects to M2 Cloud.
  • On M2 Windows companion edition, sync projects from M2 Cloud.
  • Edit projects on M2 Windows companion, print or email finished estimates, sync projects to M2 Cloud.
  • M2 Mobile user obtains updated projects when syncing with M2 Cloud.