Why is splitting my rooms causing me to lose my linear products in MeasureSquare 8?

Why is splitting my rooms causing me to lose my linear products in MeasureSquare 8?

In this article, we will explain why splitting rooms will cause you to lose your linear products

This article applies to all versions of MeasureSquare 8

Step 1: The issue is that when we are simply dividing the room the program will keep the product assignments in the room as before, but, when we use the split room or split room by region the program is literally redrawing all of the walls for us to create the new shape, so as it's drawing those new walls the linear products are lost like the example below. 

Step 2: To prevent this from happening you should draw our rooms and modify them with all needed dividers and split operations before any linear products are added to reduce the chance of needing to reapply linear products.