Why Does My Worksheet Show Imprecise Net Area vs. Qty for Tile Add-ons?

Why Does My Worksheet Show Imprecise Net Area vs. Qty for Tile Add-ons?

This article will explain why the Qty and Net Area do not match for tile add-ons. The Net area is imprecise to the Floor area of the tile and it will not match on the worksheet when estimated by Room. The software is taking the Grout Width into account from the Tile Pattern. The Grout Width area is being deducted from the Floor/Wall Area which equals the Net Area for the tile. The Qty and Tile area(Net Area) will match if the worksheet is estimated by product. If the worksheet is estimated by Room, the worksheet will not reflect the Tile Area for Net Area for the add-on item, it will reflect the Net Area of the room.


This article applies to Measuresquare8.

In this project example I will show you how the tile area is being counted as Net area. This project has one 10' x 10' room of 100 SF. The Products being applied are Tile, Cement Grout, and Labor.

Keep in mind all Tile products have a Grout Width. This project’s Grout Width is set at ⅛”  from Pattern settings.

The Floor Area is 100 SF 

The Grout Width is 1/8

Floor Area - Grout Width = Tile Area 

The Tile Aea is 93.61 SF

The Net Area for the Tile Area is deducting all the Grout Width area from the floors total in red. The net area for tile is calculating only the area the tile covers in green.



Estimate By Product:

The tile and any associated add-on products/labor will take the properties from the tile and tile area not the floor area. 

Estimate By Room:

When estimating By Room Measure Square will show a prompt letting the user know:

  1. “Net Area may be imprecise because it’s not from estimation. 

  2. “Sell By Box” will not work normally.