How to apply Add-ons on Labor Products?

How to apply Add-ons on Labor Products?

In this article,  we will go over how to add Add-ons to a Labor Product. 

This article applies to MeasureSquare Mobile. 

Step 1: After you created your room and applied your Labor product to your room, Go to the Assignment Tab > Tap on the "i" icon on the right side of your product. 

Step 2: On Edit Product Window, untoggle the Add-on button in order to make your Labor not as an Add-on product. 

Step 3: After the Add-on button is untoggled, the Add-ons button populates. 

Step 4: After you tap on the Add-ons button, it'll takes you to the Add-ons menu and tap on the + button on the top right corner to populate the list of Add-ons you want to apply on your Labor product. 

Note: You can add as many Add-ons as you want for your Labor.

Step 5: After you select your Add-ons product, your Add-ons will populate on the Add-ons menu and it will show that you applied them on the Edit Product window after you tap Edit Product. 

After you hit done, the Add-ons will be present on the Labor product in your takeoff.