How to use the worksheet. Worksheet functions explained.

How to use the worksheet. Worksheet functions explained.

This article will show you how to select the proper worksheet. By defining each worksheet you will be able to make the best choice for what you
For all versions of Desktop MeasureSquare 8

Description of Worksheet functions in MeasureSquare

The order they are listed in is progressive as the job goes on, Quote & Proposal can be interchangeable along with Work Order and Purchase Order at times.

Worksheet Types:
Proposal: A budget but it is more of a rough estimate of the cost and not necessarily binding. It will also come with some explanation of qualifications like "we included all the carpet but didn't include anything for the stairs because you didn't tell us what you want there."

Quotation: I would expect a quote to be more exact and with fewer qualifications.  "Our quote for 2,000 sqft of carpet is $5/sqft for a total of $10,000. This quotation is good for 30 days."  It may also have a spot where you can sign it, return the form and you are now under contract.

Work Order: More information once a deal is signed.  The work order would be the paperwork to order the carpet that is sent to the factory/vendor.  Or your client may issue you a work order if they do a lot of work with you and perhaps authorizing you to do work.

Purchase Order: Similar to a work order, maybe just for material they are purchasing that doesn't have labor or the install component.

Invoice: Like a receipt of something that is fully authorized or if the work is already complete.  Some people may give you a work order that authorizes you to do the work, then you send an invoice showing it was done, they then pay you from the invoice you sent them.

Worksheet Style:

By product: The worksheet is estimated and organized by product for the entire project.

By area: The worksheet is estimated and organized by Tab (Floor)> then by room (area) separated areas.  Waste is not shared across areas.

By product trade: The worksheet is estimated and organized by trade, Carpet, Vinyl, Tile, Hardwood, Misc etc.

By product break by area: The work is estimated and organized by Product, > Tab,> then Room (Area).

By product and Addon: Group worksheet items by product and its addons

Start at the Worksheet tab.> Select New.> at the New Worksheet window you will select the Type.> Choose from Proposal, Quotation, Work Order, Purchase Order, Invoice.

Next, you will choose the Style.> You can choose By Product, By Area, By Product Trade, By Product Break by Area.


Type: Proposal with Style: By Product:

Type Proposal with Style: By Product and Addons

Type: Quotation with Style: By Area:

Type: Work Order with Style: By Product Trade:

Type: Purchase Order with Style: By Product Break by Area: