How to use Butterfly Self Cove for vinyl installation in MeasureSquare Mobile?

How to use Butterfly Self Cove for vinyl installation in MeasureSquare Mobile?

In this article, you will learn how to use the Butterfly Self Cove for vinyl installation in MeasureSquare Mobile.

What is a Butterfly corner?

Full Butterfly Corner: a V-shaped piece of material that wraps around a concave corner.
Half Butterfly Corner: a triangular piece that wraps around an internal corner which is finished at 45 degree.

Only work if there are Concave corners in your room

How to use Butterfly Self Cove in MeasureSquare Mobile?

Step 1: Tap the "i" icon on the desired room and select "Label, Height, Coving" from the menu.


Step 2: Scroll to the "Butterfly Self Cove" option and toggle it on.

Comparison before and after applying the Butterfly Self Cove:

Before applying Butterfly Self Cove:
  1. extra stripe cut
  2. more product usage
  3. higher waste

After applying Butterfly Self Cove:

  1. no more stripe cut
  2. less product usage
  3. lower waste