How to Set Up your Trial Account on MeasureSquare CRM

How to Set Up your Trial Account on MeasureSquare CRM

In this article, we will cover how to set up your trial account in MeasureSquare CRM

This article applies to MeasureSquare CRM.

IMPORTANT: Only one user from your team should click the link to set up a trial of the CRM. Once the account is set up, this user will be able to invite the rest of your team onto the trial account

1.  To set up an account on the CRM, first navigate to

2.  You should land on a page that looks like this

3a.  If you already have a MeasureSquare ID, use your existing MeasureSquare ID and Password to Sign In. (Your MeasureSquare ID is the email that you used to create your existing account)

4a.  If you already have a MeasureSquare ID, after clicking Sign In you will need to fill out the following information on the screen

3b.  If you do NOT have a MeasureSquare ID, click the Sign Up link below the Sign in button

4b.  If you do NOT have a MeasureSquare ID, after clicking Sign Up you will need to fill out the following information on the screen

5. After filling out that screen, you will be sent into your Trial account which is will be active for 14 days. You will also be prompted to fill in a mandatory survey

6. After submitting the form, the first thing you will want to do is add you other team members to the trial. To do this you will need to click on the Gear Icon in the top right corner to access settings

7. To add you team members you will need to click the blue invite button on the right hand side and enter in their contact info. This will send them an email invite to join your trial. IMPORTANT: your team members must click that link to join your trial the first time they enter the CRM. If they try to access the CRM before clicking the link they could potential start their own trial that would not allow them to join your team.

8. Lastly for all first time sign ins, we recommend reviewing our settings walkthrough video and setting up your profile info

If you have any issues with Trial set up, please email and we will be more than happy to assist.

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