This article will show you how to integrate JobRunner with MeausreSquare 8. Once the takeoff has been completed, material data from the job estimate on MeasureSquare can be exported to JobRunner or FloorManager, management solutions, to begin a new quote. JobRunner can import customer contact details, materials, and service items into the job cost estimate, eliminating redundant data entry.
This article will explain the integration for MeasureSquare and JobRunner.
The interaction between MeasureSquare and JobRunner is really very simple. In MeasureSquare, the file is exported as a FSDE file.
The data that can be brought in to Jobrunner will be as follows: Product Type, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Manufacturer and Style name.
Step 1: In MeasureSquare Click on File> Export MeasureSquare Report
Step 2: In JobRunner, click on the Proposal button in the middle of the screen.
Step 2: click on integrations and then find measuresquare from the dropdown list
Step 3: Find the Import XML button in the top right corner. Clicking on this will open the file explorer
Step 4: Navigate to your file, select and click open to import the data
Your data can now be found within Jobrunner