In this article, we will show you how to drag cuts in your cutsheet after you adjust your roll cut round up.
This article applies to MeasureSquare Mobile.
Step 1: After you create your room and apply your roll good, tap on Estimate and select Optimize.
Step 2: Select your roll good, then tap Done.
Step 3: Scroll down the menu and tap Advanced Settings.
Step 4: Set your Roll Cut Round Up to desired increment by manually type or tap "i" icon to select the following sizes on the list provided. In this example, you'll see the Roll Cuts all rounded up to the nearest 3" in your cutsheet.
After you set your Roll Cut Round Up for your roll good, you can drag your cuts around in your cutsheet and your cuts will stay rounded to the nearest increment.

Note: To pull up your cutsheet, drag and pull the up arrow from the bottom of your screen.
Before applying Roll Cut Round Up:
Before dragging cuts/after applying Roll Cut Round Up:
After dragging cuts: