How to crop a set of plans with an angle or arc when importing?

How to crop a set of plans with an angle or arc when importing?

In this article, we will show you how you can crop your blueprints at any angles you want it to be. This will allows you to have your blueprints overlap or line up side by side seamlessly.

This article applies to MeasureSquare 8 Build 7232 & newer.

InfoInfo: This article shows how this is done before the pdf has been completely imported into the takeoff screen. You can alternatively right click any imported plan and use the crop polygon tool at any time. The cropped images will appear to the right and can have their scaling change as well.

Step 1: Select the drawing a polygon tool from the tool bar and trace out the area you would like to highlight. This will create a new image that can be imported into Measuresquare 8 and can have a different scale, but will default to the scale of the image it was created from.
Note: Tracing out the area is done in the same manner as drawing your rooms with the free-draw tool. This means you have access to arcs and holding shift will allow you to draw your lines at odd angles.

Note: To move an image, you will need to right click > select move > align with the mouse cursor and left click.  
 -  If you have trouble selecting the correct image, you may need to right click > send to back or bring to front