In this article, we will cover how to create Installation Schedules in MeasureSquare CRM
This article applies to MeasureSquare CRM.
The Installation Schedule is a feature designed to streamline and manage the planning and execution of installations efficiently. This allows you to track progress and monitor the status of ongoing installations.
There are two ways to create an installation schedule, either from a Work Order or from the Installations module.
Installation Schedule from a Work Order
We can automatically create an install schedule based from a Work Order with the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Work Orders module and open your preferred Work Order
Step 2: Choose your Installer and fill in the start and end date
Step 3: Click Save
Once saved, this information automatically creates an event in the Installation Schedules calendar. To open the calendar, click on Installation Schedules under the Installations module.
Installation Schedule from Installations Module
You can also create an install schedule manually without it linked from a Work Order with the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Installations
Step 2: Select Installation Schedules
Step 3: Select New Schedule
Step 4: Fill up the required information including: name, start & end date, status, and Installer

You can filter installers by their trade, ensuring that the right personnel are scheduled for the appropriate tasks.
Step 5: Click Save
Once saved, this will create an install schedule on the calendar as shown below.
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