How to apply products to windows and door frames in MeasureSquare Mobile
This article will show you how to apply products to windows and door frames in MeasureSquare Mobile.
This article applies it iPad IOS
In order to apply products on to either windows or doors they must be applied on the wall view. To turn on the walls select the Views Icon [1] in the top right and enable the Walls on Right Side [2] option, then select the room to display the walls with the doors and/or windows.
If you drag a product just to the outside of the door/window frame it will be applied as a border material [1], if you drag a product onto a door/window frame it will be applied as a perimeter material [2], and if you drag your product just to the inside of a door frame it will be applied to the interior of the door frame [3].
Note: Products applied to the perimeter of widow and door frames need to be a Linear type product, and products applied to the interior of a door frame must be an area product.