How to apply multiple linear products to an area for MeasureSquare 8?

How to apply multiple linear products to an area for MeasureSquare 8?

In this article, we will show you how to apply multiple linear products to an area without replacing the first linear product you've applied. 

This article applies to all version of MeasureSquare 8

Step 1: Create linear products by selecting Linear for the Type. You will do this for all of your linear products.

Selecting Linear for the type is important because the software allows you to apply multiple linear products to an area with the type Linear. For the type such as transition, wallbase, etc. you can only apply one or the other. 

Step 2: Once you've applied the first transition product, you can then drag over the second, third, etc. linear products to apply them. When you drag the rest of the linear products, you will see a window pops up asking you if you want to append or replace the product(s). Select Append to append the products.