How to add QR code on my report on Measure Square Mobile

How to add QR code on my report on Measure Square Mobile

In this article we will go through the necessary steps to have a QR code Included at the top of your report
This article applies to MeasureSquare Mobile on iPad

Step 1: Sync your Project to MeasureSquare Cloud
      1a: From the Home Page, select the Sync button in the top right corner

For Reports > Forms

Step 2: From your Form, select Preview (eyeball icon) at the bottom

Step 3: Select the Gear Icon and then Print Settings

Step 4: Toggle on the Print Web Viewer Url and then adjust the displays for Quantity, Area/Perimeter, Dimensions, and Blue Print based on how much information you would like available from the link.

For Reports > Print

Step 2: Select the Gear Icon and then Settings

Step 3: Select Others

Step 4: Toggle on the options for Show Header and Show Advanced Header, then Return to the settings menu by tapping on back

Step 5: Select Print Settings

Step 6: Toggle on the Print Web Viewer Url and then adjust the displays for Quantity, Area/Perimeter, Dimensions, and Blue Print based on how much information you would like available from the link.

After Making these Changes, you will see your QR code Displayed