How do I create Raised Access Flooring in MeasureSquare 8?

How do I create Raised Access Flooring in MeasureSquare 8?

In this Article, we will use the Tile Pattern feature to create the components needed for Raised Access Flooring quantities.

This applies to all MeasureSquare 8 Multifamily & Commercial versions

We can create a Raised Access Floor and compute for its quantities using the tile pattern feature

Step 1: Create three (3) products to calculate for Raised Access Flooring

  1. Tile product for the Panel
  2. Tile product for the Pedestal
  3. Linear Product for the Stringer (Set as Add-on)

Step 2: Once the products are created, Right Click on the "Panel" Tile and select "Design Pattern With"

For Steps 3 and 4, kindly refer to the screen clip below

Step 3: Click on  on the top menu to add the "Pedestal" Tile piece and drag this to the top right corner of the "Panel" Tile using the Red handles.

Step 4Click on  (Insert icon) on the top menu to allow the two tiles to overlap and create a pattern

Step 5: Save the pattern either to your project or Tile Patterns list, then add pattern to the room and select the Stringer as the Grout Product.  

Another way to add the Stringer product is to Right Click on the new pattern > View/Modify Details > Grout Product: 

The Raised Access Floor pattern and quantities will be shown as below:

Watch the video below for an easy walkthrough.

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