How do I apply tile patterns using Resize and Quick Assign in MeasureSquare Mobile for iPad?

How do I apply tile patterns using Resize and Quick Assign in MeasureSquare Mobile for iPad?

In this article, you will learn how to apply tile patterns to rooms while using the resize and quick assign feature. 

This article is for version 2.4.10 and newer on MeasureSquare Mobile for iPad. 

Step 1: Open the Product Catalog Menu by selecting Products at the top and then Product Catalog from the drop-down menu

Step 2: Open your Patterns menu by tapping on the Pattern button at the bottom of your catalog and then switch over to your wood pattern by tapping the wood button at the top of the same menu

Step 3: The Quick Assign preview tab will now open. When your adjustments have been made, you may tap on Quick Assign to complete adding your pattern to the room
Note: You may change the size and products for your pattern from here. 

Info: Quickwoods will be created for your pattern, you may edit these products to rename them and add pricing if desired
To use this pattern in another room, top on the By Pattern button at the top of your assignment list, then drop into the desired location