How do I apply wall base, transition, quarter-round, etc, in MeasureSquare 8?
In this article, we will show you how to apply linear products such as Wall base, moldings, transitions, quarter-round, etc.
This article applies to Windows MeasureSquare 8.
Step 1: Left click and hold on the product and drag it over to the rooms and release the left mouse button to apply the product (Drag & Drop).
Note: The area highlighted will indicate where the product will be applied when releasing the left mouse button/left clicking.Examples: Dragging to center of room will apply the Wall Base to the room perimeter, dragging a Transition to a divider line or door will apply to the divider line or door only, highlighting an individual wall will apply the linear type product to just that section.

Tip: You can use the Linear Eraser tool to remove a product in the same fashion!
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