How do I add a legend to my diagram in MeasureSquare 8?

How do I add a legend to my diagram in MeasureSquare 8?

You can add a legend, with or without, product usage to your diagram to be printed.

For all versions of MeasureSquare 8

Step 1: Select the "Legendsicon from the Shape section of the tool bar. A popup will appear to select the products you want listed for this particular legend.

Step 2: Then left click on the desired area to place the legend. You can always move the legend to a new location by left click and holding, to move.

Step 3: To add a Legend with product usage, select the drop down menu from the "Legends" icon and repeat the previous steps.

Note: You can add more than one legend to a diagram, and edit the text features of the legend by double clicking on it. Right click on legend to delete if needed.