How can I get an earlier version of my project on the MeasureSquare Cloud?
This article is on how to get an older version of your project. The Cloud will save up to 5 of the most recent versions by default.
This article is for
MeasureSquare 8 Versions of Desktop
Step 2: Go to your My Projects in the left panel, and then find your project name.
Step 3: Click on the green + icon to see all the recently revised files for your project (the default number of recent revisions saved in the system is three)
Step 4: Find the project revision you are looking for (date/time or file size might help you decide) and click the download icon next to it.

Note: You may change your Max revision count to increase or decrease the number of revisions you have available to download. Making this change can increase or decrease your cloud storage space as a result
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