In this article we will show you where you can find information relating to storage and how that data is reflected in your total storage used on the cloud.
This article applies to Measuresquare Cloud
Log on to from your internet browser
Step 1: From here, you can see a wide variety of information such as: File Size, Revision Count, and Owner Account
Step 2: Used Storage space is accounted for when the Owner Account Matches the Account Login information in the top left-hand corner.
Step 3: Revisions are listed under the dropdown menu and downloads for each revision (up to a max) can be accessed by pressing the Green Plus Button
Each Revision beyond the first is counted towards your used storage space. Keep in mind that any Pictures attached to your project will have a Significant Increase on your file size, and will have a greater impact on your used storage space.
You can VIEW your used and unused storage from the SETTINGS menu located in the left-hand column
Step 1: Reducing your Max Revision Count may prevent unnecessary usage of storage resources.
Step 2: project providers and subscribers can be seen from the settings menu as well.
Project Providers are accounts that share files with you. The files they provide do not utilize your used storage space unless you make, save, and sync any changes to the cloud to create a Revision.
Project Subscribers are accounts that you share files to. These are your files that are saved to your cloud and contribute to your used storage space.
From the Profiles tab you can see all synced Settings and Product Databases or catalogues. This data also contributes to your used storage.