Creating and Apply Products for Commercial Cleaning & Maintenance in MeasureSquare 8
Version: All MeasureSquare 8 Builds
In this article we will be going over how to create and apply "products" to your rooms.
Products will represent the type of surface that needs to be maintained and cleaned.
We will be working with our Product/Service menu that is on the left side of MeasureSquare 8.
Step 1: Creating a new product you will click the '+' icon on the left side of the Product/Service panel
Note: Creating in the lower portion will only be products for the project you are currently working on. For products that you will be using frequently, or in the future, create the product in the top portion.
---Once you have selected which location you want to create your product, you will see a New Product menu appear.
Step 2: This is where you will select the type as Surface and title your product in your No./SKU. Make sure to click save when done editing.
Your product will then appear in the left hand side where you will be able to customize your information including product color, pricing, and your description.
Note: Your rooms must be complete before you start applying your products. You can also select products from both your main database as well as the products in the projects sections.
Step 3: When applying product to your rooms, the workflow is LEFT CLICK & HOLD on your product and then DRAG the product to the correct room. Your room will highlight in blue indicating that it is selected for you to place the product. Release the left mouse to apply. Single left clicks are only required to apply to the rest of the desired rooms. Right click when done to deselect the product.