Adding Tags to Projects for MeasureSquare Cloud

Adding Tags to Projects for MeasureSquare Cloud

This article will go over how to organize your project(s) on MeasureSquare Cloud with tags. 

Adding Tags
Step One: Select the projects that you would like to have tags assigned to > select 'Assign Tags' 

Step Two: On the 'Assign Project Tags' menu select 'Add new tag'

Step Three: Put in the name of the new tab > Save 

Step Four: When you create new tags you have the ability to edit or delete them. You also have the ability to 'Add' or 'OverWrite' them. 

Make sure to 'Save' your tags once they are selected. 

Locating Tags and Projects

Step One: Locate the 'Tags' drop down menu >  Check off the one that you would like to locate for projects. 

Step Two: You will see the active, archived and deleted projects for the specific tag(s) that you have selected.